If you have an environment with a lot of Azure subscriptions it can be challenging to keep on top of them. As an Admin on a management group you may see the following combinations of subscriptions:

  • Lots of MSDN / MPN subscriptions taken up where developers get $150 per month for free
  • Normal subscriptions used for your dev/test/prod workloads
  • Subscriptions given certain offers like Azure Sponsorship

Its not easy to see which subscriptions have which offers. I was trying to workout which of our subscriptions have an Azure sponsorship applied to them and if any of them have a spending cap on them.

The below resource graph query let me do this

| where type == "microsoft.resources/subscriptions"
| where properties.subscriptionPolicies.quotaId contains "Sponsored"
| extend spendingLimit = properties.subscriptionPolicies.spendingLimit
| extend quotaId = properties.subscriptionPolicies.quotaId
| extend state = properties.state
| project name, subscriptionId, state, quotaId, spendingLimit

You might also find the below query useful too if you want to check how many subscriptions you have with each type of quota

| where type == "microsoft.resources/subscriptions"
| extend quotaId = tostring(properties.subscriptionPolicies.quotaId)
| extend state = tostring(properties.state)
| summarize count() by quotaId, state

Hopefully this helps you keep an eye on your use of sponsorship subscriptions and where they are used.


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