Recently I saw Kent commenting on Jays post about the scheduler feature in the Power Automate toolkit which looks pretty awesome.

As a Logic Apps user it gave me the idea that I bet I could write a kusto query for Azure Resource Graph which would tell me a list of all Logic Apps which use the recurrence trigger and then I could project out the details of the trigger to see what runs daily, weekly and the start time and also if the Logic App is enabled or not.

I end up with the below table

Below is the query I used. You might need to tweak the filter for your resource group.

| where type == "microsoft.logic/workflows"
| where resourceGroup == tolower("mikes-rg")
| where properties contains "recurrence"
| extend state = properties.state
| extend trigger = properties.definition.triggers
| extend triggerType = properties.definition.triggers.Recurrence.type
| where isnotnull(triggerType)
| extend startTime = properties.definition.triggers.Recurrence.recurrence.startTime
| extend frequency = properties.definition.triggers.Recurrence.recurrence.frequency
| extend interval = properties.definition.triggers.Recurrence.recurrence.interval
| extend timeZone = properties.definition.triggers.Recurrence.recurrence.timeZone
| project name, state, startTime, frequency, interval, timeZone


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