This article really came about from the twitter conversation on the below link:


To elaborate on my original comment, what I was trying to say but requires more than 160 chars to effectively communicate was that I like the API Gateway pattern but it is also one you need to be careful with.  It is very easy to fall into an anti-pattern where your API gateway can become very complex and you end up losing all of the benefits of what you are trying to achieve.  In the Twitter conversation I mentioned that we had used Azure Service Bus in one project to help us and there was some interest from the guys for me to write a little bit about what we did and hence this set of articles.

Before I get into the meat of this stuff I would like to caveat that I consider myself to be what id describe as an Applied Integration Architect.  I enjoy and am passionate about implementing real world solutions which deliver great value.  I wouldnt really consider myself to be a theoretical kind of guy.  If you want to understand more about the theory of Microservices or API Gateway there people out there who are better authors in this space but what I am hoping is that this set of articles can help you to understand how we did some stuff in the real world and how it applies to these patterns and also how we had some great success and also some challenges and failures.

I think this set of articles will break down quite well into the following areas which I will add as links as I release the articles:

  1. The background behind the services platform we were building
  2. Example 1 – API Gateway that got out of control
  3. Example 2 – API Gateway which used Service Bus
  4. Some thoughts on Microsoft tech and the future of this kind of solution – Not done yet


Anyway I hope this is useful and interesting to someone.



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